Grills, hot dogs, sales – it’s Memorial Day Weekend. Take a break. You deserve it. But take a moment between bites and ball games to think about the people who died in the service of our country.
They deserve it too.
After that, when you get back to work, weave these lessons from across the web into your projects.
Have a great weekend.
1. Build An Online Platform With Content: Conversation Agent
Readers return to blogs because they are able to deeply explore a particular topic. Your job, dear publisher, is to provide your constituents with content that they can search, use, share and augment.
In this post Valeria Maltoni provides a structure for a platform of content development that dives deep into individual topics – something to which both you and your community can contribute.
2. Why Aren’t Your B2B Blogs Successful?: Search Engine Land
Don’t let the B2B in the subject line fool you.
No matter your industry, the tips in this post on SEO success are something that everyone can use. I’ll summarize here, but you should read the entire post for more detail.
- Don’t put full posts on your home page. Use snippets to dive into your blog.
- Rewrite your title tags to be spider and reader friendly.
- Optimize your alt tags in images.
- Control what gets indexed with Joost de Valk’s Robots Meta.
- Write your meta for people.
- Use 301 redirects.
3. Learn The Basics Of SEO For Video – Part I – Keyword Research: ReelSEO
Video is like any other content that you produce and optimize for the web. It has its own quirks, but at the same time it requires that you follow many of the same basic procedures that you do for every thing else. In this post from ReelSEO, they cover the blocking and tackling of keyword research that you can apply to video as well as other digital mediums. I’d suggest you take a look at the SEOMoz series on keyword research that goes into a little more detail, as well.
4. 17 Essential Tools For Video Production: Reel Social Media
Did I mention that we produced a guide to help you gather your tools for your first video production? It’s pretty darn good. Get your copy of “17 Essential Tools You Need To Produce Your Own Videos” here.
5. The Social Media Publishing Model for Publishers: Junta42
Dovetailing nicely with Valeria Maltoni’s post above is this post on social media production from Junta42. A small sampling of the most salient points (oh, there are more):
- Go where the fish are and get active there.
- Enlist complementary bloggers and influencers to contribute.
- Involve your readers.
- Make some personalities internally.
6. Think All Links Are The Same? Think Again: SEOMoz
This is a beautifully illustrated explanation of how search engines evaluate links from SEOMoz.